Parliament 30

Since the first democratic parliamentary term after the regime change in 1989, there were a total of 1291 members of parliament in position.

Only five of them were MPs in every parliamentary term: Lajos Kósa, László Kövér, Zsolt Németh, Viktor Orbán and Mihály Varga, who received one of the resigning MP's seat. All of them are members of the political party Fidesz.

186 representatives are not alive today.

Let's take a look by terms! On this chart, you can see every MP of a given term, both the members who had lost their seats in the meantime (due to death or resignation) and who had acquired one. Up until the election of 2014, there were 386 seats in the house, which were then reduced to 199.

The parliament is aging. At the regime change, the average age of the house was 43 years, which increased to a current 50 years. Back then, the composition was predominantly younger, with most of the MPs being between the ages of 30 and 39. Now, the most dominant age group is of the 50 to 59.

What is more interesting is that representatives under the age of 30 are now virtually nonexistent. After 1989, there were 39 members under the age of 30, as opposed to the current number of 1. This drastic fallback happened after the the bill which reduced the number of seats to 199 had been put in action.

10.5 percent of members are women.

Proportionally, the least number of women having seats were in the first term after the change, with a low of 7.5 percent, and the most is in the current term, with 11.85 percent. We are on 158th place on a worldwide scale. The European and the EU average is around 30 percent.

The ratio of members coming from the capital and from the countryside is around 30-70 percent, which suggests that the distribution of the voting districts mirrors the country's population.

At the same time, it is also visible that in the past 30 years, the number of members coming from the countryside mostly increased among the 50 to 69 age group.

Finally, we were interested in whether the members of parliament obtain any kind of doctoral degree. It is visible from the data that the number of members holding a doctoral degree fell from 50 percent to 30 percent since the first free elections.

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Text, visualization: Attila Bátorfy
Development: Krisztián Szabó
Data: Alex Goth, Veronika Hári, László Horváth
Thanks to: Carmen Aguilar García